We Are Punks and Tricksters…

Punk: We are beats, hippies, baby boomers and we are changing aging... Re-inventing old age so it's not a soul cage. Trickster: We are tricksters, Defiant Ones bones to breath — laughter echoing off of stream and stone… though there is nothing to make me laugh, save the foolishness of mortals.  Punk: Our libido, passion and … Continue reading We Are Punks and Tricksters…

Some storytelling news…

Well it's almost official now: I'll be part of a 1 hour storytelling show in June as part of the Fringe festival in Montreal! It shall be myself and fellow-storyteller Carole Tenbrink (check out her blog too, she's a fantastic teller!) sharing the stage at the new Tuyo Café, for 7 performances in the first … Continue reading Some storytelling news…

Concerning ‘Ferentes Draconem’, or, My initiation to Dungeons & Dragons

So I started playing Dungeons & Dragons recently. Well, when I say recently, I mean September, but we have only had two meetings so far (and only one of those involved actually playing D&D — the first meeting was for creating our characters). In any case, in was enough to kick my imagination into overdrive: … Continue reading Concerning ‘Ferentes Draconem’, or, My initiation to Dungeons & Dragons

On a wall in between two worlds there sat a boy…

The wall on which he sat was a tall one, but it was crooked, an old crumbling stone structure, built long before the village ever existed. In the years gone by, the two tiefling boys had called it a mountain, then a fortress, and then simply a safe place to hide from whoever they had … Continue reading On a wall in between two worlds there sat a boy…