Concerning ‘Sidequest’ & Introducing ‘Ellan’s Lair’

And so that was Sidequest, the story of Judy the street punk, who became a bike messenger for the off-the-grid creators of a near-future Montreal. I first got the inspiration for this story from a conversation with my boyfriend’s family; they were talking about people they knew and the creative ways they made ends meet … Continue reading Concerning ‘Sidequest’ & Introducing ‘Ellan’s Lair’

Sidequest pt. 1 – The Object

The pillars of a highway overpass cast pale blueish shadows on the Montreal streets beneath it — long bars of cool darkness in the yellowish-orange morning light. The square pillars are half-covered in colourful graffiti. Some of them are cracked, too, cement chipped and broken off, revealing the metal reinforcements within. Attached to the side … Continue reading Sidequest pt. 1 – The Object

Cassis Daemonis (and the Fringe, again)

Hello again, everyone! I have a storytelling video for you from my Fringe fest show last June, Myth Mirrors Punk. This is the first myth story from that show, Cassis Daemonis: Those of you who have read the first of my Liminaris stories, Ferentes Draconem, might recognize this story as a version of the … Continue reading Cassis Daemonis (and the Fringe, again)